List of cultural sites being prepared to boost tourism: Bahrain

  • Date: 06-Feb-2023
  • Source: Zawya
  • Sector:Tourism
  • Country:Bahrain
  • Who else needs to know?

List of cultural sites being prepared to boost tourism: Bahrain

A comprehensive list of archaeological, historical and cultural sites is being mapped out, to provide a wider range of tourist attractions, it was revealed yesterday.

Information Minister Dr Ramzan Al Nuaimi, who is politically responsible for the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (Baca), told the Shura Council that these sites could become a source of substantial indirect revenues to the government.

He added that calls by members of the chamber to charge entry fees to these locales would also be studied.

“Archaeological, historical and cultural sites form an indirect pillar of tourism, which is an integral part of the economy,” said Dr Al Nuaimi, during the council’s weekly session.

“We are mapping out a comprehensive list of sites that would provide a wider range of attractions to people in Bahrain, the region and abroad,” he added.

However, he said that charging visitation fees could discourage schoolchildren or university students from visiting these sites.

Dr Al Nuaimi said the government was encouraging interest in historical sites and collection of artefacts in private homes and business museums.

“We have initiatives for youngsters such as Ta’a Al Shabab and Little Archaeologist with more on the way to get more involvement from people of all ages in the community.

“Private homes