Egyptian Tourism Authority Coordinates With UMS To Promote Touristic & Religious Spots in Saint Catherine – Egypt Today

  • Date: 24-May-2024
  • Source: Egypt Today
  • Sector:Tourism
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

Egyptian Tourism Authority Coordinates With UMS To Promote Touristic & Religious Spots in Saint Catherine – Egypt Today


CEO of the Egyptian Tourism Authority, Amr El-Qady, indicated that the Tourism Authority coordinated with United Media Services ( UMS) to promote religious and tourist attractions in Saint Catherine, pointing out that several international channels were invited to visit Saint Catherine for this purpose.



Saint Catherine Monastery is one of the world’s oldest monasteries and the center of monastic life in Southern Sinai. It is surrounded by a high, two-meter thick wall of close fitting granite to protect it against possible perpetrators.



This region is believed to be enshrining the burning bush from which God first revealed himself to Moses, including a lot of treasure trove of icons and manuscripts. Also, it encompasses the well of Moses, which is said to be the place where he met his future wife, Zipporah.




Egyptian Tourism Authority Coordinates With UMS To Promote Touristic & Religious Spots in Saint Catherine - Egypt Today