Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities organizes a virtual tour for Tutankhamun’ s hall – Egypttoday

  • Date: 29-May-2020
  • Source: Egypt Today
  • Sector:Tourism
  • Country:Egypt
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Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities organizes a virtual tour for Tutankhamun’ s hall – Egypttoday

Egypt's Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities organizes a virtual tour for Tutankhamun' s hall. CAIRO - 29 May 2020: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and Virtual Mid East organised a virtual tour for Tutankhamun' s hall at the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir on May 28.. The tour explored the treasured collection of the young king.. Although a recent CT scan of Tutankhamun's mummy has revealed interesting new information about the techniques in his mummification, and has confirmed that he was about 10 when he died, the cause of his death is still uncertain.. 2-The innermost coffin, made of solid gold. Russian new envoy to Egypt arrives Cairo.