King Tut’s mask is a must-see tourist icons: The Telegraph

  • Date: 18-Feb-2021
  • Source: Egypt Independent
  • Sector:Tourism
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

King Tut’s mask is a must-see tourist icons: The Telegraph

For the third time this month, The British Telegraph newspaper published a report on tourism in Egypt. This time, it chose the golden mask of the young king Tutankhamun as one of the world's must-see tourist attractions.

The report provided a description of the mask and its design, saying that it consists of a layer of pure gold encrusted with precious and semi-precious stones.

The mask is a unique piece that dazzled the world and increased its fondness for the ancient Egyptian civilization, the report said.

It is currently displayed in the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square, and is scheduled to soon be transferred with the rest of the young king's treasures to the new Grand Egyptian Museum.

The report touched upon Egyptologist Howard Carter's 1922 discovery of the tomb of King Tut and the treasures its held, as well as information about the Golden Pharaoh and his family, the era of his rule, and his death as a young man.

The Telegraph had issued two other reports about Egypt this month, the first naming it as the best tourist destination to travel to in 2021, and the second about Nile cruises in Egypt, which were described as fun and "the best river cruise in