Memorial Day Traveling In An Era Of AI Self-Driving Cars

  • Date: 26-May-2021
  • Source: Forbes
  • Sector:Tourism
  • Country:Gulf
  • Who else needs to know?

Memorial Day Traveling In An Era Of AI Self-Driving Cars

The Memorial Day weekend is almost here! And it is time for a deserved road trip, a refreshing getaway, a chance to finally stretch your legs and see someplace other than your own domicile and escape those brooding four walls that you've been staring at for over a year now. I'm talking about the upcoming Memorial Day three-day weekend and the plain fact that a tremendous amount of travel is afoot, that's for darned sure. People have been cooped up and are abundantly eager to hit the road. According to the AAA, an estimated 34 million Americans will travel by car at least 50 miles from their homes this three-day weekend. Some people consider the Memorial Day weekend to be the start of summer and they want to go see friends and friendly, ostensibly for collegial interaction and also downright outlandish partying. A caution though is warranted. First, the cars that people will be driving are bound to no longer be getaway viable. The odds are that many of these vehicles have been sitting idle for a year or so. There wasn't a need to make that daily commute to the office. Your car perhaps sat in your driveway or