Education and travel still facing curbs in Kuwait

  • Date: 16-Dec-2021
  • Source: Kuwait Times
  • Sector:Tourism
  • Country:Kuwait
  • Who else needs to know?

Education and travel still facing curbs in Kuwait

After nearly two years of curfews, lockdowns, closures and shutdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic, things have (mostly) returned to normal in Kuwait. Shops and restaurants are operating as usual (with precautionary measures), staff at private firms and government institutions have fully returned to work and COVID cases have fallen drastically.

While everything seems to be hunky-dory, two aspects of daily life are still mired in uncertainties and restrictions – education and travel. Let’s start with education. Schools are still operating on a hybrid model, with students alternating between in-person and remote learning. Many students have decided to remain home and study online due to a variety of reasons, while others are going to school daily because those who chose to study on campus are few in number, thereby negating the need to have two batches of students.

Transport is another issue – initially school buses were not allowed to operate at all. They later got the green light to ferry students, but transport fees have gone up despite students going to school only half the time, due to few students taking the bus. Nevertheless, some schools require all students to come to school for exams, which creates another headache for working