Simplified visa procedures, diverse options contribute positively to Saudi tourism sector

Simplified visa procedures, diverse options contribute positively to Saudi tourism sector

RIYADH — Minister of Tourism Ahmed Al-Khatib has said simplified visa procedures and diverse travel options and destinations in Saudi Arabia, along with promotion efforts in target countries, contributed positively to the country's tourism sector.

Al-Khateeb made the statement expressing appreciation to King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman who during the weekly Cabinet meeting cited the positive results achieved in the sector last year. Saudi Arabia's performance reflected positively on the World Tourism Organization's (UNWTO's) two indicators, namely the number of international tourists and tourism revenues for 2022.

These achievements reflect the followup and support of the Kingdom's leadership and their care to develop the tourism sector, and increase its GDP in accordance with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, and their keenness to strengthen its position in the global tourism map, he said,

Al-Khateeb confirmed that the Tourism Ministry will continue its efforts by cooperating with all the partners from both the government and private sectors to move forward in achieving the leaders' aspirations for making Saudi Arabia a global tourist destination.

According to a report issued by UNWTO, Saudi Arabia has made a great leap in the ranking of top countries receiving international tourists in 2022. It advanced 12 places to reach