Turkish President gifts Saudi Crown Prince a car: Price, specs, all you need to know

Turkish President gifts Saudi Crown Prince a car: Price, specs, all you need to know

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has gifted his country’s first domestically produced electric car, TOGG, to Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman. Erdogan, who was in Jeddah, met Crown Prince Salman at the Al Salam Royal Palace on Monday. Following the meeting, he presented the Crown Prince a Pamukkale White Togg 10X SUV. A video shared by Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency showed Crown Prince Salman walking over to the driver’s side while Erdogan occupied the passenger's seat. The Saudi Crown Prince then dropped Erdogan to his hotel. TOGG has been seen as the prestige project of the Turkish President. Promoted as the "people's car”, TOGG or Turkey's Automobile Joint Venture Group (TOGG), was founded in 2018. The TOGG car factory began operating on October 29 last year. The date coincided with the 99th anniversary of the foundation of the Turkish Republic. The automaker began bookings for the TOGG T10X in March this year. The price of the standard range model T10X starts at 953,000 Turkish liras (about AED 130,145 Dirhams) and goes up to 1.055 million liras (about AED 144,030). The long-range model of the SUV has been priced at 1.215 million liras (about AED 165,925). The electric car