Waves Hotel celebrates the success of Saudi employees in the hospitality industry

Waves Hotel celebrates the success of Saudi employees in the hospitality industry

In the mesmerizing coastal city of Umluj, where the pristine white sand beaches meet the turquoise waters of the Red Sea, Waves Hotel stands as a beacon of exceptional hospitality. The hotel takes great pride in its diverse team of Saudi employees, who have embraced the opportunity to work in the hospitality industry with enthusiasm and dedication. From skilled baristas and waitstaff in F&B to the efficient housekeeping, reception, reservation, accounting, kitchen, banquet and human resources teams, Waves Hotel's Saudi employees have demonstrated remarkable resilience, eagerness to learn, and rapid progress.

The Vision Behind Waves Hotel:

Born and raised in Umluj, Mr. Lafi Al Faydi has always envisioned transforming his hometown into a thriving tourism and hospitality hub. Inspired by the 2030 vision of Crown Prince HRH Mohammed Bin Salman and the city's constant evolution, Mr. Al Faydi set out to create an iconic attraction that would provide unparalleled service and attention to detail. Waves Hotel, a luxurious beachfront property, not only offers a world-class service but also serves as a catalyst for local employment and sustainable tourism practices.

Mr. Lafi Al Faydi recognized the untapped potential within the local Saudi population to contribute to the tourism and hospitality industry. Leveraging the resources