Greater unity and collaboration must to tackle global challenges

  • Date: 25-Aug-2021
  • Source: Emirates Business
  • Sector:Tourism
  • Country:UAE
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Greater unity and collaboration must to tackle global challenges

Dubai / WAM

The world needs greater unity and collaboration and must share innovations and expertise if humankind is to tackle its most pressing challenges, according to an overwhelming majority of respondents in a global study by Expo 2020 Dubai. Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemy, Minister of State for International Cooperation and Director General of Expo 2020 Dubai, said: “As we learn to live with a changed world and rebuild from Covid-19, some things remain constant, such as our desire to reach out to one another, between communities and across borders, to enable progress through exchange of knowledge, ideas and perspectives. We are eager to see a new era of global cooperation, one that equips us to deal with real-world challenges in the pursuit of sustainable prosperity for all.” The 2021 survey of more than 22,000 people across 24 countries explored sentiment in a world irrevocably changed by Covid-19. Conducted in partnership with YouGov, it followed a similar study carried out in 2019, before the pandemic. The number of respondents who are optimistic about their own future with regards to the Expo subthemes of Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability increased to 65 per cent , up from 60 per cent in 2019.