UAE suspends entry of travelers from Republic of Congo – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

  • Date: 16-Dec-2021
  • Source: Arab Times Kuwait
  • Sector:Tourism
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

UAE suspends entry of travelers from Republic of Congo – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

Dubai, Dec 15: UAE’s Civil Aviation Authority announced suspension of all inbound flights for national and international carriers and transit passengers from the Republic of Congo, from Friday, December 17, effective 8am.

Including all the travelers from Central African country who had to reside 14 days before entering UAE has been suspended although passengers from UAE will be transported to the same country. UAE citizens are prohibited from traveling to Congo except for the country’s emergency treatment cases, official delegations, and scholarships.

The UAE nationals, their first degree relatives, domestic workers under their sponsorship, diplomatic missions, official delegations between UAE and Congo and Golden residence holders are excluded from this decision.