Dubai astro tourism: Take a trip to Jabal Al Shams in Oman or witness the aurora in Iceland

  • Date: 29-Dec-2022
  • Source: Khaleej Times
  • Sector:Tourism
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Dubai astro tourism: Take a trip to Jabal Al Shams in Oman or witness the aurora in Iceland

Those interested in taking their Astrophotography skills one step further than capturing the Milky Way can also sign up for one of the newly launched specialised courses offered by DAG

Published: Thu 29 Dec 2022, 9:06 PM Last updated: Thu 29 Dec 2022, 9:13 PM

The Dubai Astronomy Group is taking giant leaps to bring the unknown closer to humankind and to show us what lies beyond our planet.

Sheeraz Ahmad Awan, General Manager of Dubai Astronomy Group (DAG), believes that knowing about astronomy is a necessity in this day and age. “With the establishment of the UAE space agency, the launch of the hope mission, the Rashid moon rover and the UAE government looking at a future on another planet, understanding astronomy is crucial.”

Over the next year, the Dubai Astronomy Group has an extensive program of workshops, training programs and tours for amateurs and those wanting to dive into space a little deeper. DAG regularly holds Astro tourism workshops upon request from visitors. The tours take place in the desert, and astronomy professionals speak to the participants about the Arabic heritage in astronomy.

“We set up telescopes, and we offer them Arabic hospitality experience. This is part of what we do to promote