UAE travel: Demand for flights to China slowly picking up, say agents

  • Date: 09-Jan-2023
  • Source: Khaleej Times
  • Sector:Tourism
  • Country:UAE
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UAE travel: Demand for flights to China slowly picking up, say agents

This comes as the country reopens its borders to foreign travellers, and as airlines boost their international seat capacity to and from China by 9.5 per cent

Published: Mon 9 Jan 2023, 6:58 PM Last updated: Mon 9 Jan 2023, 6:59 PM

A Chinese resident has said that she is keen to go back to China soon to introduce her son to his roots, as travel agents say the outbound demand for China as a travel destination is slowly picking up.

Kaili Liu, a Chinese resident in the UAE, said that if she could, she would like to go back to China for the New Year, but that she needs to wait for domestic stability. Another challenge for her is that the Chinese New Year doesn’t coincide with her son’s school schedule. “We may plan to fly back to Beijing in March and April. We are very excited because my son has not been back to China since he was born in Dubai,” said Kaili.

Having her son connect to his roots to feel a sense of belonging is very important for Kaili. “We can’t wait to fly back to China to show him everything; when the pandemic is finally over, and I can