Bahrain Airport Company kicks off the Worldwide Airport Lawyers Association (WALA) Conference

  • Date: 31-May-2024
  • Source: Biz Bahrain
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Bahrain
  • Who else needs to know?

Bahrain Airport Company kicks off the Worldwide Airport Lawyers Association (WALA) Conference

Bahrain Airport Company (BAC), the operator and managing body of Bahrain International Airport (BIA), kicked off the first day of the prestigious 14th edition Worldwide Airport Lawyers Association (WALA) Conference. This marks a significant milestone for Bahrain, as it is the first country in both the Gulf and Middle East regions to host the esteemed Worldwide Airport Lawyers Association (WALA) Conference. The Inaugural day of the Conference took place on Thursday, May 30th at the Gulf Hotel Bahrain and witnessed participation from esteemed CEOs of various airports across the Gulf region. The Conference serves as a crucial platform for fostering collaboration, sharing expertise, and highlighting impactful case studies presented by international airports.Bahrain Airport Company (BAC) Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Yousif AlBinfalah commented on the Conference, “Today, we engaged in insightful discussions on the evolving aviation landscape, digital transformation, sustainability, and operational efficiencies, with several esteemed CEOs from various airports across the region. This Conference is not just an event, but a steppingstone towards our commitment to driving the global aviation dialogue and positioning Bahrain as a key player in this sector.”He added, “WALA Conference serves as a crucial platform, bringing together thought leaders, industry stakeholders, and domain experts from around