Contact and Trella partners to conquer the transportation and logistics market

  • Date: 28-Sep-2022
  • Source: Zawya
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

Contact and Trella partners to conquer the transportation and logistics market

Cairo, Egypt – Contact financial holding, the leading Egyptian non-banking financial services company, announced the signing of a collaboration agreement with B2B tech platform and trucking marketplace Trella, to continue the expansion of Contact’s credit services and enable a wide variety of digital platforms to meet their business objectives.

Trella, the fastest growing digital freight marketplace in MENAP, is a B2B technology platform that connects shippers with carriers. Trella is revolutionizing the transportation and logistics sector by reinventing trucking to bring transparency, reliability, and efficiency to an antiquated logistics market.

Contact and Trella are partnering up through four different subsidiaries within Contact; Contact Factoring, Contact Leasing, Contact Credit, and Contact Creditech. Each agreement provides a tailored service to finance Trella’s working capital needs, their carrier base, truck spare parts, and maintenance services, supporting Trella’s rollout in Egypt and its regional expansion.

Contact Factoring signed a financing agreement to finance Trella Egypt’s working capital needs. This strategic collaboration also serves Trella through Contact Financial Holding’s other two subsidiaries, Contact Credit and Contact Leasing; they will finance Trella’s carrier base to purchase trucks for either individual carriers or MSMEs owning a number of trucks and wishing to increase their fleet.

Additionally, as part of Contact Financial