Egypt converts King Fouad train station into post office

  • Date: 17-Dec-2023
  • Source: Egypt Independent
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

Egypt converts King Fouad train station into post office

Following development work, the ministers of transport and communications and the Governor of Kafr al-Sheikh have converted and reopened the historic King Fouad Train Station into a fully functional post office.

The office provides integrated governmental, postal, digital and financial services.

It comes to implement a cooperation protocol previously signed between the two ministries to use 13 sites within the properties of the Egyptian National Railway Authority for the purpose of providing postal services there.

These include 11 sites in train stations at Giza, Banha, Damanhour, Sidi Bishr, al-Hamoul, Suez, Assiut, Bali Suef, Sohag, Luxor, Edfu.

In addition to the King Fouad train station in Mansheyet Fouad, Kafr al-Sheikh, the protocol provided for the right to use the main postal traffic building at Ramses.

Transport Minister Kamel al-Wazir, said that the development and restoration of the King Fouad Station comes under his ministry’s plan to develop railway stations across Egypt, especially those that fall under the Decent Life Initiative

It also seeks to develop all historical and archaeological stations, he added, and referred to development done on the historical station in al-Montazah in parallel with the maintenance and restoration of the King Farouk Train.

Wazir announced that a plan has also been drawn up to establish commercial