Egytrans Approves NOSCO Acquisition Deal

  • Date: 19-Apr-2023
  • Source: Asharq AL-awsat
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

Egytrans Approves NOSCO Acquisition Deal

Egytrans, a leading provider of transport and logistics solutions, approved a deal to acquire the National Transport and Overseas Services Company (NOSCO), one of the leading companies in the transport field, particularly land transport and specialized transport for mega-projects.

The move comes as part of the company’s strategy for local and regional expansion.

Egytrans’ acquisition deal serves as a means of geographical expansion in Egypt, as well as a first step in the company's plans to expand into Arab markets, particularly Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The provider has plans to unlock markets in Africa later.

The company plans to penetrate the Saudi market by forming partnerships with Saudi investors in the equipment and machinery transportation sector for power stations, wind farms, oil and gas projects, according to Egytrans CEO Abir Leheta.

“Through this step, we aim to maintain the leadership position of both companies within the transport and logistics sector and build on it, all while strengthening the executive and operational capabilities of the group,” said Leheta.

“We strive to leverage NOSCO’s capabilities, especially its extensive fleet and technical experience to achieve maximum operational growth and target larger logistics opportunities and projects, in addition to expanding geographically and operationally across local, regional and