India’s SpiceJet airlines facing government inquiry after turbulence injures 15

  • Date: 03-May-2022
  • Source: Al Arabiya
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Egypt
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India’s SpiceJet airlines facing government inquiry after turbulence injures 15

India’s budget airlines SpiceJet is being scrutinized by the government after severe turbulence injured at least 15 people, CNN reported citing News18.

Videos of the aftermath from the turbulence were shared widely by social media users, where injured passengers could be seen bleeding, oxygen masks dangling, and some paneling come loose.

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All the injured were transported to the hospital, CNN reported on Sunday, but a passenger account shared on the BBC said that the ambulances took an hour to arrive.

Two of the injured are reported to be in the intensive care unit (ICU), one for a head injury and the other spinal.

The two-hour-long flight from Mumbai carrying about 200 passengers and crew reportedly ran into trouble during its descent into the Indian city of Durgapur, West Bengal.

Some reports say that the turbulent air disengaged the autopilot, and that the crew had to steer the aircraft through the pocket of rough air.

In a statement to CNN, SpiceJet reportedly said that the “seat belt sign was on when the aircraft encountered turbulence. Multiple announcements were made by the pilots and the crew instructing passengers to remain seated and keep their seat