Bully Boy U.S. Airlines: The Parable Of The Elephants And The Mice

  • Date: 20-Apr-2020
  • Source: Forbes
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:GCC
  • Who else needs to know?

Bully Boy U.S. Airlines: The Parable Of The Elephants And The Mice

In the aviation world we have a lot of evidence that the really big airlines, the elephants of world aviation - the big three US airlines - are very afraid of anything smaller than them.. The elephants of US aviation can deal with a BA, just.. There is one law of the jungle for them but a very different law of the jungle for others, apparently.. No thinking person can distinguish their situation from that of the Gulf carriers, except for the free money bit, obviously, but the US carriers will work on the if-you-throw-enough-confusion theory.. The US carriers are going to turn on a dime and then say, well, sure, desperate times called for desperate measures, but we need time to pay all this money back, get the yoke of government ownership off our shoulders and get back to match fitness to take those nasty Gulf carriers on fair and square.. There is also the risk that some of the European carriers, whose governments have been suggesting that they are big enough and ugly enough to survive on their own, might come over and assert that the US carriers now breach Europe's state aid rules - the way they