Supposing We Restricted AI Self-Driving Cars To Operating On Public Roads Only Late At Night To Sunrise

  • Date: 01-Dec-2021
  • Source: Forbes
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Gulf
  • Who else needs to know?

Supposing We Restricted AI Self-Driving Cars To Operating On Public Roads Only Late At Night To Sunrise

An intriguing and controversial proposal that self-driving cars should initially only be allowed to ... [+] use our public roadways late at night and early morning. Driving a car when it is very late at night or abundantly early in the morning can be refreshing, plus a bit eerie too. The roads are usually relatively empty of traffic. Sure, there are those occasional instances where a cluster of cars get bunched up together, but this is not a particularly frequent occurrence and furthermore, the momentary snarls are quickly sorted out. You can usually drive along and not worry about being stuck behind that annoying driver that is going as slow as a tortoise. All you need to do is scoot around them. The traffic signals are typically green for any main roadways and you are able to proceed without those ill-timed red lights that during the day cause the traffic to become hindered. You would also likely not be delayed by those pesky pedestrians that love to jaywalk or take their sweet time when lawfully crossing the street. There aren't many pedestrians at these oddball hours. That seemingly stark visual cue does bring the eeriness factor into play. Without many