Hezbollah Threatens Beirut Port Blast Investigator

  • Date: 22-Sep-2021
  • Source: Asharq AL-awsat
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

Hezbollah Threatens Beirut Port Blast Investigator

An aerial view taken on August 7, 2020, shows a partial view of the port of Beirut and the crater caused by the colossal explosion. (AFP)

The probe in the Beirut blast has entered a critical phase after investigating Judge Tarek Bitar crossed perceived “red Lines” when he summoned former Prime Minister Hassan Diab and security and military officials for questioning.

Bitar’s actions have reportedly angered Hezbollah, which warned him against going through with this line of investigation.

Lebanese journalist Edmond Sassine revealed in a tweet that Bitar was threatened by Hezbollah’s Liaison and Coordination Unit chief Wafiq Safa.

The revelation sparked widespread political and legal debate in Lebanon on whether Safa had indeed threatened the judge. If true, it could hamper Bitar’s work. The judge had notably not showed up to office on Tuesday.

Judicial sources did not confirm or deny the threat.

General Prosecutor Judge Ghassan Oueidat ordered Bitar to prepare a report about him allegedly receiving the threat.

Safa had paid a visit on Monday to the Beirut Justice Palace where he met with head of the Supreme Judicial Council Judge Suhail Abboud and Oueidat to deliver his threat, revealed informed sources.

Parliamentary sources told Asharq Al-Awsat, however, that Safa’s meetings did not address the