Israeli strikes knock out Damascus, Aleppo airports: Syria state media

  • Date: 22-Oct-2023
  • Source: Arab News
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

Israeli strikes knock out Damascus, Aleppo airports: Syria state media

Hospitals in Beirut, southern Lebanon finalize emergency plans as war fears mount

BEIRUT: Clashes between Hezbollah and the Israeli army in recent days have caused widespread damage to civilian properties in Lebanon’s border area, with hospitals in the capital and southern region finalizing emergency plans in case of war.

Israeli bombardment on Friday evening and Saturday damaged many houses in border towns, as well as power grids.

Sirens were sounded more than once in many Israeli settlements along the Blue Line after they were evacuated, according to Israeli media.

Explosions were heard in Tyre and Bint Jbeil, after Israel’s Iron Dome defense system intercepted guided rockets launched from Lebanon.

Heavy Israeli shelling mainly targeted the Shebaa Farms area on Saturday afternoon.

Photos on social media showed the magnitude of the destruction to the house of the mayor of the Rab Al-Thalathine border village. Footage also revealed the extent of damage to the electricity grid in the Burj Al-Moulouk town.

Andrea Tenenti, spokesperson for the UN forces in Lebanon, said that UNIFIL “remains fully committed to their mission represented by restoring stability in southern Lebanon, and are doing their utmost to prevent the escalation of hostilities.”

Tenenti said that the head of mission and force commander, Maj. Gen. Aroldo