Judge Bitar forced to suspend probe of Beirut Port blast for 3rd time

  • Date: 05-Nov-2021
  • Source: Ya Libnan
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Lebanon
  • Who else needs to know?

Judge Bitar forced to suspend probe of Beirut Port blast for 3rd time

Judge Tarek Bitar was appointed lead investigator into the Beirut Port blast ( background ) after the removal of his predecessor Judge Fadi Sawwan in February. The background of Bitar’s picture shows the huge silos of Beirut Port that exploded on Aug 4 , 2020. killing some 218 people , injured about 7000 and left 300, 000 homeless after 2,750 Tons of Ammonium Nitrate Exploded . They were stored there for nearly 7 years. , reportedly for use by the Syrian regime in its barrel bombs against the civilians in Syria. Former PM Hassan Diab and president Michel Aoun were informed about the explosive chemical 2 weeks before the explosion. but neither did anything about it . Aoun said he is not responsible for the port and ExPM Diab reportedly offered to go to the port to inspect the material but Hezbollah security chief Wafic Safa reportedly told him not to go . Diab’s former government , the presidency and the parliament leadership were controlled by Hezbollah

Beirut (AFP)