Airlines to operate two weekly flights from Oman to 11 Indian cities

  • Date: 03-Oct-2020
  • Source: Times of Oman
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Oman
  • Who else needs to know?

Airlines to operate two weekly flights from Oman to 11 Indian cities

Muscat: The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced about the temporary arrangements made for air transport between the Sultanate and India.A statement issued online by CAA said, "The Civil Aviation Authority has reached upon a decision of joint arrangements with the Republic of India in the field of air transport related to the operation of limited regular flights between the two countries.""Under these temporary arrangements, the airlines of both countries will be allowed to operate regular flights between Muscat International Airport and 11 Indian cities at a rate of two flights per week for each airline, and not exceeding 10,000 passengers per week through carriers on each side.""The temporary arrangements will continue until the end of November 2020. They'll be allowing the travel for citizens of the two countries and