For better connectivity, plans for an airport in Jabel Akhdar

  • Date: 22-Jan-2024
  • Source: Oman Observer
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:Oman
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For better connectivity, plans for an airport in Jabel Akhdar

Muscat: Jabal Akhdar situated in the Dakhiliyah Governorate has been attracting tourists all around the year due to its moderate temperatures in Summer, which can drop down to single digits during the winter.The destination has been becoming popular, but it has connectivity issues because currently the mountain heights can be accessed only in four-wheel vehicles from a certain point.As part of the long-term plans of the government, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) recently floated tenders from specialized companies for site selection studies, master plans, design, and supervision for the proposed development of Jabal Akhdar, Masirah, and Sohar Airports.The last date for receiving tender documents is January 30 while the last date for submitting bids is February 27.The pre-qualification technical bid will open on Feb 27.To date, several companies have expressed their interest in the project.Meanwhile, Jabal Akhdar saw an influx of 161,974 visitors in the first nine months of 2023, of which nearly 12, 000 visitors from Saudi Arabia and 53,344 from outside the region.It may be noted that to improve road connectivity and make the region more accessible, the Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Information Technology (MTCIT) is working on an alternative road to Jabel al Akhdar from