GACA: Saudi Arabia to transform the future of aviation

GACA: Saudi Arabia to transform the future of aviation

RIYADH — Global aviation leaders will unite in Riyadh for Saudi Arabia's first-ever Future Aviation Forum. The two-day event, happening May 9, will unite leaders from the public and business sectors, international CEOs, and regulators to shape the evolution of international air travel and drive forward solutions in a post-pandemic world.

Hosted by the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA), the Forum will feature more than 120 speakers, with over 2,000 attendees and representatives from every continent expected to attend. Delegates are invited to attend 40 sessions, focusing on three core thematic pillars: passenger experience, sustainability, and business recovery post-COVID.

"The Future Aviation Forum will be a pivotal moment for the global aviation sector. We will bring together the brightest minds from around the world to forge solutions for how the sector can recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, transform the passenger experience, and invest in innovations that will lower carbon emissions and reduce environmental impact," said Minister of Transport and Logistics Saleh Bin Nasser Al-Jasser.

Saudi Arabia's transport and logistics sector, a major pillar of the Vision 2030 economic transformation plan, is undergoing rapid development. The Kingdom aims to generate SR356 billion — or just under $100 billion — in investment into its