Manageengine survey finds lack of training prevents Saudi enterprises from fully leveraging technologies

Manageengine survey finds lack of training prevents Saudi enterprises from fully leveraging technologies

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — ManageEngine, the enterprise IT management division of Zoho Corporation, today announced results from its IT at Work: 2022 and Beyond study. This newly released data involving IT decision-makers (ITDMs) and business decision-makers (BDMs) examines the democratisation of IT and the ability of IT teams to influence business decisions in large and enterprise-sized organisations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The vast majority (92%) of respondents indicated that collaboration has increased between the IT team and other departments during the last two years. This trend might have been driven by the decentralisation within organisations' IT structures. Sixty percent of ITDMs said their organisations have already successfully decentralised their IT structures, with another 39% reporting that their organisations are currently attempting to do so.

Though non-IT departments are enjoying increasing autonomy when it comes to technology decisions, enterprises are concerned that employees might be unable to take full advantage of the technologies they use. The majority (82%) of BDMs said employees are held back by various barriers, primarily a lack of training (42%).

"Professionals are keen to gain new perspectives from industry peers in order to stay updated and advance in their careers. Through this study, we hope to facilitate the