Saudi Arabia introduces free four-day transit visa for stopovers

Saudi Arabia introduces free four-day transit visa for stopovers

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in coordination with the relevant authorities and national airlines, has launched an electronic service, allowing visitors who are stopping over in Saudi Arabia to get an entry visa into the kingdom, according to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). The transit visa for stopovers allows those in transit to enter the kingdom to perform Umrah and visit the Prophet’s Mosque, in addition to visiting the country for tourism purposes. The ministry added that the new service will be effective as of Monday, January 30. Visitors can apply for a transit visa through the electronic platforms of Saudia Airlines and Flynas. This application will automatically be sent to the Unified National Visa Platform at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to process, following which the digital visa will be issued and sent to the beneficiary via e-mail. The ministry explained that the transit visa for stopovers is free of charge, and will be immediately issued with a ticket. It will be valid for three months and entitles its holder to a four-day stay in the kingdom. The ministry reiterated that the ‘e-transit visa for stopover service’ will contribute to achieving the objectives of the kingdom’s Vision 2030