Saudi Council of Engineers and Schneider Electric, sign deal to expand engineering training in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Council of Engineers and Schneider Electric, sign deal to expand engineering training in Saudi Arabia

- Agreement contributes to country’s goal to have nationals fill one in five engineering jobs in the private sector

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Schneider Electric, the global leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE) to launch an accredited training program to build digital skills across energy and automation systems.

Both partners will provide specialized training courses for SCE’s membership. Doing so will create highly skilled professionals, strengthen the economy, and ensure one in fifth private-sector engineering jobs are held by Saudis.

“As the world moves toward a green power transition, we are committed to working with regional partners to ensure today and tomorrow’s generation of engineers has the skills and technologies they need for a new era of energy management. Saudi Council of Engineers is one such trusted partner in this endeavor as we focus on delivering top-quality training within the Kingdom,” said Mohamed Shaheen, Cluster President, Schneider Electric, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

On his part, Abdulnasser Saif Al-Abdullatef, Secretary General of the Saudi Council of Engineers said: “We are committed to promoting engineering within Saudi Arabia and upgrading its standards with a view to enhance the level