Saudi Grand Mosque enhances accessibility for people of determination with new facilities

Saudi Grand Mosque enhances accessibility for people of determination with new facilities

For men, the areas are located in the King Fahd expansion at the first floor opposite door 91, the first floor opposite the Al Shabaka Bridge door 68, and the ground floor next to Al Shabaka stairs at door 68. For women, the areas are positioned at ground floor door 88, first floor door 65 near “Al Shabaka “, and prayer Area 15 in the Saudi patio overlooking the Al Tamim bowl.

These designated areas are furnished with aids for individuals, such as Tayammum tools, Qurans with reader’s pens, Braille Qurans, and other essential reading materials.

Visually impaired pilgrims also have access to canes and sign language translations of the Friday sermon to enhance their worship experience.

Moreover, the mosque entrances are equipped with ramps at doors 68, 74, 79, 84, 89, 90, 93, and 94 to support easy access. Additionally, multiple bridges including Ajyad and Shabaka bridges provide further accessibility. Transportation options such as golf carts and electric vehicles are available for the elderly and the people of determination, which can be booked through “Tawakkalna” application.

Pickup points for these services are conveniently located across the mosque premises, ensuring all areas are accessible.

Furthermore, handcarts are available at two