Saudi ride hailing app, Ego, partners with MoEngage

Saudi ride hailing app, Ego, partners with MoEngage

Saudi Arabia: Ego, a ride-hailing app based out of Saudi Arabia, has partnered with MoEngage, an insights-led customer engagement platform to drive data-driven strategic decisions and tactics.

Founded in 2018, the transportation brand will use the engagement platform as a main source for all communications. Ego will leverage MoEngage to analyze the best time and channel to send messages and focus on increasing retention and customer lifetime value.

“Earlier, we used various messaging and engagement tools, which became a challenge to handle. With MoEngage, we’re aiming to resolve this with a single omnichannel marketing platform and effectively reach the customers with the right message at the right time using the most relevant channel for their unique use case,” said Laith Abdallah, Chief Growth Officer at Ego

The nature of the ride-hailing business is that of high-frequency transactions. Hence, for Ego, engaging both the customers and drivers is crucial to maintain retention and increase the lifetime value. Integrating MoEngage with Mixpanel will help Ego to increase the conversion of first-time installs to booking to repeat customers.

With an aim to create affordable transportation in the region, the brand will focus on engaging customers using the AI capabilities of MoEngage - Sherpa. In fact, Ego aims