Saudi’s NEOM unveils plan to train chefs for ‘world’s most food self-sufficient city’

Saudi’s NEOM unveils plan to train chefs for ‘world’s most food self-sufficient city’

Saudi Arabia’s $500 billion mega project NEOM has announced an initiative to inspire and nurture a new generation of Saudi chefs as part of its ambitious goal to become “the world’s most food self-sufficient city”.

NEOMhas partnered with ethical food project CARE’s, a global project founded by Italian chefs Norbert Niederkofler and Paolo Ferretti, on a new initiative to ensure the food supply at the Red Sea project is treated responsibly from the planet to the plate.

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It falls under NEOM’s ethos to be a “blueprint for tomorrow in which humanity progresses without compromise to the health of the planet” and part of its ambitious plans – in a country which currently imports about 80 percent of its food - to become ”the world’s most food self-sufficient city” by utilizing innovative vertical farming and greenhouses.

NEOM and CARE’s will develop a manifesto for food-industry professionals, outlining the principles for sustainable gastronomy and food security, alongside educational initiatives and content to broaden understanding of healthy eating.

With a commitment to nurturing Sauditalent, the partnership will facilitate training opportunities and chef camps, as well as launch an award series to recognize leading