Sudan paramilitaries say took control of airports, Presidential palace; flights from Saudi Arabia turn back after nearly landing

Sudan paramilitaries say took control of airports, Presidential palace; flights from Saudi Arabia turn back after nearly landing

KHARTOUM: The Sudanese air force is conducting operations to confront the powerful paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), the army said in a statement on Saturday, as clashes broke out across the country. Footage from broadcasters showed a military aircraft in the sky above the capital Khartoum, but Reuters could not independently confirm the material. Earlier the paramilitaries said they were in control of several key sites following fighting with the regular army on Saturday, including the presidential palace, the residence of army chief General Abdul Fattah Al Burhan in central Khartoum. In a statement, the RSF said it had taken “full control” of the presidential palace as well as the airports in Khartoum and Merowe in the north of the country. It said the moves came in response to attacks by the regular army on RSF bases in south Khartoum. "The Rapid Support Forces defended themselves in response to the hostile forces inflicting heavy losses" on the regular army, the RSF statement said. It said its fighters "were able to take control of Merowe airport" north of Khartoum, "expelled attackers on bases in Soba" and "took control of Khartoum airport." Earlier, heavy gunfire and explosions have been heard around Sudanese