TGA approves regulation regarding rights and obligations of public transport users

TGA approves regulation regarding rights and obligations of public transport users

Saudi Gazette reportRIYADH — The Board of Directors of the Transport General Authority (TGA) approved the detailed mechanism of the regulation regarding rights and obligations of users of public transport and the table classifying various types of violations and penalties in terms of fines. This was based on what was stipulated in the regulation pertaining to the rights and obligations of users of public transport approved earlier by the Council of Ministers.TGA is responsible for all the railway, marine, and land transport matters within the Kingdom. The regulation includes four sections covering all the rights and obligations of public transport users in the Kingdom, with the aim of raising the level of awareness about the rights and obligations of the beneficiaries.There are a total of 76 articles in the regulation. The first section included the general provisions that apply to all means of transport covered under the regulation consisting of 16 articles in the nature of definitions and regulatory while the second section of the regulation included 22 regulatory articles pertaining to