Training & developing Saudi young talent essential to the future of KSA’s entertainment industry

Training & developing Saudi young talent essential to the future of KSA’s entertainment industry

Riyadh, KSA: The findings from a recent advisory board meeting, held in Riyadh, revealed that for Saudi Arabia’s entertainment industry to continue to grow exponentially, it would need to cultivate a dynamic and creative workforce, develop and hone the skills of the country’s youth, and lean into the global success of the kingdom’s giga-projects.

The findings emerged from the Saudi Entertainment & Amusement (SEA) Expo advisory board meeting in April, which brought together the kingdom’s foremost experts in the entertainment industry to discuss current market dynamics and trends, challenges, and potential solutions, and map out the future of the entertainment and leisure landscape in the country. The findings will be used to shape the agenda of the SEA Expo and its three-day summit, set to take place at the Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center from May 28th -30th.

Experts from the Ministry of Investment, Qiddiya Investment Company, Thinkwell Group, Saudi Entertainment Academy and Saudi Entertainment Ventures (SEVEN), Al Hokair Group, were among the major industry players who attended the advisory board to share their views on the current entertainment climate.

The board members found that to create a sustainable and thriving entertainment industry, it is essential to develop and cultivate local talent