UK touts ‘very successful’ Sudan airlift after final flight

UK touts ‘very successful’ Sudan airlift after final flight

The UK vowed Sunday to maintain support for Britons trapped in Sudan but said conditions had grown too dangerous to continue evacuation flights.

The final Royal Air Force (RAF) flight left the Wadi Saeedna airfield north of Khartoum late on Saturday, four hours behind schedule, taking to 1,888 the number of Britons and their relatives evacuated since Tuesday.

"The evacuation that we've conducted is the longest and largest evacuation of any Western nation," Transport Secretary Mark Harper told Sky News.

"And so we've taken out 1,888 British nationals and their dependants, which I think is a testimony to a very successful evacuation effort.

"And we will continue providing consular support from Sudan," he said, noting that the Foreign Office had set up an office in Port Sudan for those seeking to escape by sea to Saudi Arabia.

The UK government denies it has abandoned anyone in Sudan, after it was accused by opposition parties of repeating the mistakes of its chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

One Turkish aircraft was shot at in Sudan last week, Harper said, "demonstrating that that evacuation was not without risk, and we therefore can't stay there indefinitely".

"But we were clear with British citizens about the need to get to the airfield to