Women drive fast train to Makkah as Saudi workforce evolves

Women drive fast train to Makkah as Saudi workforce evolves

Driver Tharaa Ali takes her seat at the helm of a high-speed train ferrying pilgrims to Makkah, a beneficiary of conservative Saudi Arabia’s bid to employ its booming female workforce.

Saudi women only gained the right to drive in 2018, and until recently 25-year-old Ali’s transportation experience was limited to cruising around her native Jeddah in the family sedan.

But last year she joined some 28,000 applicants vying for just 32 slots for women drivers on the Haramain High Speed Railway, which plies the 450-kilometre (280-mile) route between the holy cities of Makkah and Medina at speeds of up to 300 kilometres (186 miles) per hour.

To her astonishment, the former English teacher was among the lucky few selected, and she completed her first trip last month.

“The first day working here was like a dream for me –- entering the train, entering the cabin,” she told AFP.

“When you are in the cabin, you see things heading towards you at a very high speed. A feeling of fear and dread came over me, but thank God, with time and intensive training, I became confident in myself.”

The proportion of Saudi women in the workforce has more than doubled since 2016, from 17 percent to 37