Combating coronavirus: More stranded Indians to fly home on chartered flights

  • Date: 22-Jun-2020
  • Source: Khaleej Times
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:UAE
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Combating coronavirus: More stranded Indians to fly home on chartered flights

The securing seats in these repatriation flights include people who have lost their jobs, senior citizens, pregnant women and travellers stranded in the UAE.. More community groups and businessmen are flying back stranded Indians in the UAE affected by the Covid-19 crisis.. Chartered flights to Gaya, Varanasi, Guwahati, Kolkata and a second flight to Jaipur and Lucknow are in the pipeline which have been arranged by the Purvanchal Pravasi Milan (PPM), a UAE-based committee.. More than 50,000 people requested PPM to travel to these destinations in India.. The next chartered flights are scheduled on June 24 to Gaya from Ras Al Khaimah, and on June 29 to Varanasi and Guwahati from Ras Al Khaimah.. Blue collar workers from other communities had apparently approached PPM, and a second flight for Jaipur has been finalised for July 2 from Dubai with Indigo Airlines.. Another flight to Lucknow will take off on July 3 or 4 from Dubai and to Kolkata on July 5 from Dubai.. Investment banker and entrepreneur Saikat Kumar, chairman of PPM, said: "These flights are offering tickets at a much subsidised rate to ones who are facing a really difficult time due to the Covid crisis.. The challenges brought