Coronavirus: UAE relaxes international travel guidelines – The National

  • Date: 04-Jul-2020
  • Source: The National
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:UAE
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Coronavirus: UAE relaxes international travel guidelines – The National

Passengers must complete UAE health precautions, and also any health requirements at the destination countries

Passengers scheduled to depart on an Emirates airlines flight wear protective gear at Dubai International Airport. AFP 

July 3, 2020

July 3, 2020

The UAE has updated its guidelines on international travel, with the government announcing Friday night that citizens and residents can travel if they adhere to precautions and measures imposed to fight Covid-19.

A government statement said passengers must complete UAE health precautions and preventive measures, and also any health requirements at the destination countries.

The statement added that compulsory health and social distancing requirements must be adhered to before departure and on arrival from travel destinations.

Citizens are still required to register with the My Presence service (Tawajudi) to facilitate communication with them during travel.

Passengers must test negative for coronavirus within 48 hours of the date of travel. Travel will only be allowed if passengers have insurance.

People over the age of 70 or with chronic health conditions are still advised to not travel.

The British government on Friday has maintained an