Dubai airline chief calls for more flights to India, explains why airfares have increased

  • Date: 02-May-2023
  • Source: Khaleej Times
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:UAE
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Dubai airline chief calls for more flights to India, explains why airfares have increased

If Delhi opens up the aviation sector, the airline can fly to 40 destinations in the country, said Ghaith Al Ghaith

Published: Tue 2 May 2023, 11:23 AM Last updated: Tue 2 May 2023, 11:29 AM

India’s aviation market has a huge potential and there is a need to increase flights between India and UAE to accommodate the growing demand from the UAE residents and Indian tourists.

The UAE airlines are looking to tap every opportunity that arises to launch new flights to India, which is set to become the world’s most populated country this year, Terming it a treasure for tourism, Ghaith Al Ghaith, CEO of Dubai-based carrier flydubai, also called for more flights between Dubai, UAE and India due to fast-growing demand.

He added that India can offer a huge potential if the government agrees to adopt an open-sky policy in place. “I think somewhere, somehow business to India is undermined by not having the kind of aggression (that is required). With more airlines coming up and buying new aircraft, hopefully, it will encourage decision-makers to open up the aviation sector,” he said.

To highlight the potential, he said, for example, if Delhi opens up the aviation sector, flydubai alone can fly to