Dubai: New facility to train companies in metaverse, Web3 technology

  • Date: 26-Oct-2022
  • Source: Khaleej Times
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:UAE
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Dubai: New facility to train companies in metaverse, Web3 technology

Investors are interested in acquiring virtual lands because of scarcity: expert

Published: Wed 26 Oct 2022, 2:01 PM

A new facility in Dubai is going to help companies in the city learn about and train employees in new technology, including metaverse and Web3.

The brainchild of 21-year-old Leila Hurstel, Verse Estate is a high-tech showroom at Alserkal Dubai that aims to introduce hyper-realism to help businesses to transition seamlessly to the virtual world.

"With Web3, the power is shifting to consumers," said Hurstel.

"The internet as we know is being entirely reshaped. Web 3.0 is decentralised, where users are able to own and monetise their data, putting the power in users' hands rather than tech giants."

At her young age, not only is Hurstel the board member and Chief Metaverse Officer (CMO) at Verse Estate, but she is also the founder of the Allstarswomen DAO, an initiative to help close the gender gap in the tech space and Web3 industry. She says her upbringing helped steer her into the field of Web3.

"My father is an investor, so I grew up surrounded by talks of emerging tech and investment," she said.

"I knew right from the get-go that I wanted to do something in that field. While at