Dubai’s RTA updates nol Pay app with 4 new features

  • Date: 31-Jul-2023
  • Source: Gulf Business
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:UAE
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Dubai’s RTA updates nol Pay app with 4 new features

Image credit: Dubai Media Office

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has released an updated version of the nol Pay app, with new features. The official payment platform seeks to improve the transportation experience in Dubai for residents, visitors and tourists.

The new features on nol Pay

The updated version of the nol Pay app has been revamped with four innovative features for nol card users. These features include the ability to instantly top-up the balance at anytime, anywhere and across all platforms, allowing users to recharge their nol card through the app.

It also allows users to apply for and renew personalised nol cards by linking their RTA account with their digital ID account.

Moreover, the registration process for unidentified nol cards has been simplified by allowing users to log in with their digital ID accounts.

The app also offers the service of tracking the application status and sending notifications, making it easy for users to stay informed about the status of their application.

Customers have saved time by not having to enter their data manually and the service application process has greatly minimised It also enabled the linking of all customer cards and managing them through their accounts on the app.

The services available in