UAE’s Etihad Rail: ‘My children ask me what the trains look like and how far they go’

  • Date: 08-Mar-2023
  • Source: Khaleej Times
  • Sector:Transport
  • Country:UAE
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UAE’s Etihad Rail: ‘My children ask me what the trains look like and how far they go’

International Women’s Day video released by the railway operator features several women working on the project

Published: Wed 8 Mar 2023, 6:02 PM

On International Women’s Day, Etihad Rail released a video featuring several women who work on the prestigious project, including the first female Emirati train captain.

In a tweet the company wrote: "On #InternationalWomensDay, Etihad Rail is proud to highlight the achievements of its female colleagues in the railway sector. This year’s theme – ‘Embracing Equity’ – forms a key part of Etihad Rail’s mission, as the company strives to ensure a diverse and inclusive workplace."

In the video, one of the female employees said that the best part of the job was that the rail project had become part of her family. “My children always ask me about my job at Etihad Rail,” she said in the video. “[They ask] ‘How far does the train go? We have not seen it yet. What does it look like,’” she said.

Another member said that she was involved in the project’s groundwork. “Within the team, we look after all the infrastructure maintenance planning, the fleet maintenance planning,” she said. “I think women are very good planners.”

The train captain taking pride in her profession said,