Amid fuel hikes, UAE commuters switch to electric cars to ease the pain at the pump

  • Date: 08-Jun-2022
  • Source: Al Arabiya
  • Sector:Oil & Gas
  • Country:UAE
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Amid fuel hikes, UAE commuters switch to electric cars to ease the pain at the pump

Amid rising fuel costs, residents in the United Arab Emirates say they are finding alternative ways to commute, with many switching to electric cars to avoid paying soaring petrol prices.

Globally, petrol and diesel prices have hit their highest levels on record in recent months in many parts of the world, hitting motorists and adding to business costs, driven by a sharp rise in global oil prices

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The UAE shifted from a system of fixed, subsidized fuel prices to one of adjusting prices monthly in response to global trends in 2015 with officials saying at the time that prices would be “based on the average global prices with the addition of operating costs,” Reuters reported.

In the UAE, motorists are feeling the pinch.

Dubai-based British expatriate and sustainability expert Jonathan Howell-Jones told Al Arabiya English that rising fuel prices – diesel, Special and Super have risen above 4 dirhams per liter from June – are leading to more residents thinking about investing in electric vehicles to cut commuter costs.

A sustainable investment

“At the moment many people are considering switching over to electric cars, which are more expensive to buy but generally