Virus detected in sub-Saharan Africa as markets plunge – Saudi Gazette

Virus detected in sub-Saharan Africa as markets plunge – Saudi Gazette

The virus has killed more than 2,800 people and infected over 83,000 worldwide - the vast majority in China - since it emerged apparently from an animal market in a central Chinese city in late December.. The number of deaths and new infections has been tapering off in China, following unprecedented quarantine efforts locking down tens of millions of people in the worst-hit cities.. But infections elsewhere have started to surge, with Iran, Italy and South Korea becoming the major new hotspots and cases being confirmed in around 50 countries.. China reported 44 more deaths on Friday, raising its toll to 2,788, with 327 new cases - the lowest daily figure for new infections in more than a month.. The biggest death toll outside China is in Iran, where 34 people have died.. South Korea now has the most cases outside China, with more than 2,000 infections and 13 deaths..