Yemen: First medical relief flight in three years leaves capital – Times of Oman

Yemen: First medical relief flight in three years leaves capital – Times of Oman

Eight patients and their relatives took off on a flight from Sanaa to Amman after years of negotiations, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).The WHO said the medical operation is expected to continue with another three flights this week, bound for Amman and Cairo and carrying a total of 30 patients.. Saudi Arabia controls Yemen's airspace and has prevented any flights from leaving the capital since August 2016.In November, Yemen's internationally recognized government, backed by a Saudi-led military coalition, agreed to allow patients to be flown out of Sanaa.. The coalition has been fighting Iran-backed Houthi rebels since 2014.The Health Ministry belonging to the Houthis, which control the Yemeni capital, criticized the UN's move to only take eight patients .. It is clear there are literally thousands of patients who haven't received the treatment they need because of the blockade," said Grande. ".