Mechanism eyed for delivering local produce to co-operatives – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

Mechanism eyed for delivering local produce to co-operatives – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait English Daily

Co-ops sector to meet PAAAFR

KUWAIT CITY, March 25: A meeting will be held soon between the Cooperative Society Sector of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Public Authority for Agricultural Affairs and Fish Resources (PAAAFR) to discuss the mechanism for supplying agricultural produce such as vegetables and fruits to cooperative societies, reports Aljarida daily quoting informed sources.

They explained that the protocol signed by the ministry with the Union of Consumer Cooperative Societies (UCCS) and farmers to promote and market the local agricultural produce within cooperative societies was canceled due to the expiry of the specified date without implementing its clauses represented in the establishment of a farmers union and a joint-stock company to promote and market the local agricultural produce. The ministry is now seeking to find an appropriate mechanism for supplying and marketing the local agricultural produce within the cooperative societies.

Among the mechanisms that will be discussed include direct dealings between the ministry and PAAAFR in its capacity as the governmental body responsible for agricultural products, in a way that guarantees the marketing the products of Kuwaiti farmers, and working to increase the production capacity of farms, as well as ending the suffering of the