Societies hungrier than ever for sustainable food systems – MEED

Societies hungrier than ever for sustainable food systems – MEED

PepsiCo highlights the need for strengthening local and global food supply chains amid the fallout from Covid-19, and is using Expo 2020 to share its message with the wider world

Related reads:Over the years, the global food system has brought nutrition, economic opportunity, convenience and enjoyment. Today, however, the state of the world's food systems exposes profound inequalities in our society.Amid the fallout from the Covid-19 crisis, the World Food Programme estimates that the number of people experiencing acute food insecurity around the world has doubled to nearly 270 million.With the growing global population, the burden on food networks continues to grow. Over the next 30 years, food systems will need to feed a projected 10 billion people while withstanding the impacts of a changing climate and protecting natural resources.That is where countries and governments step in. Efficient, inclusive and resilient food systems underpin the UN's sustainable development goal of Zero Hunger. The global food system needs to be reshaped to