As coronavirus takes emotional toll, mental health professionals brace for spike in demand

As coronavirus takes emotional toll, mental health professionals brace for spike in demand

The virus' invisibility makes it all the harder to reconcile the severity of the response. The mental health of hospital and other health care workers, who risk increased exposure to the virus, is a rising concern. NEW YORK: For the last few days, unease and paranoia have followed Ann Ostberg like a black cloud, as the coronavirus swept through the United States, reaching all 50 states by this week.. Stress caused by fear of the disease is compounded by isolation, mental health experts say, as governments close schools and restaurants, and recommend that people limit social interaction.. For mental health professionals, there is the challenge of providing much-needed care while following social distancing guidelines.. Federal legislation enacted this month in response to the coronavirus eases restrictions on telehealth coverage under Medicare.. Greenfield said the mental health impact of the coronavirus should warrant a coordinated response, and that federal and local leaders should have protocols for managing a mental health emergency as they do a physical one.. The US Department of Health and Human Services had no comment when asked if coordinated plans exist.. It's common for health workers to exhaust themselves in a crisis, and crucial they heed the same