Bangladesh to convert stadiums to quarantine centers, hospitals – Arabnews

Bangladesh to convert stadiums to quarantine centers, hospitals – Arabnews

Bangladesh to convert stadiums to quarantine centers, hospitals /node/1651556/world. Country has lowest testing rate among all countries affected by coronavirus. "The situation is constantly changing, and we'll take steps according to the demand of the time," Dr. Nasima Sultana, additional director general of the Directorate of Health, told Arab News.. Public health experts welcomed the authorities' decision to convert stadiums into quarantine centers.. Despite a population of more than 160 million, only 1,750 people have been tested for the virus so far, making it the lowest testing rate among all affected countries in the world.. Hackers linked to Iran target WHO staff emails during coronavirus /node/1651986/world. It is not clear if any accounts were compromised, but the attacks show how the WHO and other organizations at the center of a global effort to contain the coronavirus have come under a sustained digital bombardment by hackers seeking information about the outbreak.. WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic confirmed that personal email accounts of WHO staff were being targeted by phishing attacks, but said the WHO did not know who was responsible. ". Karim Hijazi, chief executive of cyber intelligence firm Prevailion, shared his recently captured data with Reuters that shows a